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March 2024
Advances in Precision Nutrition
The Best Diet for You
Curate Your Social Media Feed for Better Health
Harvard Health Publishing Image
January 2024
New Year, New “You”? – Gut Microbiome
Try Something New this Year – Fermented Foods
-Recipe: Blackberry Soda
October 2023
Pumpkin Power!
-PhytoRx Recipe: Pumpkin Chili
Social Suggestion
August 2023
PCOS & Phytochemicals
-PhytoRx Recipe: Kohlrabi Apple Slaw
Report from ASN
June 2023
Summer Snacks with Skincare in Mind
Suggested Summer Reads
–>Cancer Hates Tea
–>The Jungle Effect
–>The Power of Habit
–>Food Rules
-PhytoRx Recipe: Sweet Potato Bowls
Congratulations: Cheri Granillo, Doctor of Nursing Practice
April 2023
Partner with NC Cooperative Extension to Support Community Health
–>Find your local Cooperative Extension Center
What is PhytoRx and how can it work for you?
PhytoRx Recipe: Crunchy Lentils
February 2023
Heart Health and the Gut
Gut Health Tip: Discover Lentils
Heart Health and Dental Health
PhytoRx Recipe: Baked Berry Yogurt
January 2023
“Pro-aging” and Phytochemicals
PhytoRx Wrap-up
PhytoRx Recipe: Massaged Kale Salad
