Granillo Earns DNP Degree
In May, Cheri Granillo graduated from UNC Charlotte with the degree, Doctor of Nursing Practice. This degree program prepares nurse leaders at the highest level of nursing practice to improve patient outcomes and translate research into practice.
With 19 years of experience as a nurse practitioner, Granillo was aware of many challenges facing the nursing profession. She chose to address the limited nutrition education in advanced healthcare curricula, which leaves healthcare providers unprepared to use nutrition to treat diagnoses that have been shown to respond to dietary intervention. Her project attempted to determine if the knowledge, attitudes and confidence about nutrition could be improved with a short course.
Her results suggested the interdisciplinary nutrition online learning module, now used to train providers to utilize PhytoRx, improved confidence in nutrition information and led to increased interest in sharing nutrition information with community members and clients.
She continues to roll out PhytoRx and has offered provider training in Rockingham County, coordinated by NC Cooperative Extension agent, Jordan Jefferies-James. HealthReach Community Clinic in Mooresville recently launched its third cohort of participants, a Spanish language pilot group. Granillo, fluent in Spanish, expanded the program by translating the PhytoRx resources, including videos, recipes and presentation slides.
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This article was part of the June 2023 e-news FRESH Rx. Subscribe for similar content delivered to your inbox monthly.
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