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Social Suggestion

I have found some great resources about nutrition, phytochemicals and health on social media that I will share on occasion.

Neither Plants for Human Health Institute nor I have any connection to these content creators, but I am a fan of helpful information being disseminated well. One of the appealing features of social media content is that it often takes something complex and distills it to something concise and “digestible.” Just remember that the short-form nature of a social media graphic or caption is often one piece of a larger puzzle; so if something strikes you, dig deeper and learn more! 

One account that I enjoy following is nutrition_facts_org on Instagram. Dr. Michael Gregor is a physician that provides lots of scientifically backed information on nutrition. He promotes the benefits of eating a plant-based diet and the reasons to choose particular fruits and vegetables over others.

This article was part of the October 2023 e-news FRESH Rx. Subscribe for similar content delivered to your inbox monthly.